Customer Projects Gallery

Outdoor Projects

Black Painted Log Store

Using our Black Painted Featheredge Cladding and  fresh sawn Green Oak beams, Brooks Carpentry has crafted this modern but tremendous log store for firewood

Custom Cut Oak Trusses

Adan Trimmer from ATC Contractors has used our TBH Oak from our Custom Cut Calculator to cut the oak to size and utilized them to create these sturdy and sleek oak trusses!

Fence Pergola and Side Gate

This Fence Pergola from John Mckee at CIT Management has uses our Oak Featheredge Fence Panels, Green Oak gate posts and a Oak featheredge side gate to create this sturdy Fence Pergola with a modern and sleek finish.

Both our Oak Featheredge Side Panels and our Oak Featheredge Side Gate are durable, sturdy and aesthetically pleasing, perfect for any garden project.

Custom Cut Green Oak and C16 Pergola

Pergola constructed using Custom Cut Fresh Sawn Green Oak uprights, with C16 Carcassing Timber used for the bearers and rafters on top to create a durable and sleek pergola structure.

Fresh Sawn Green Oak Porches

Using our Fresh Sawn Green Oak Beams, Ross Sledger from English Oak Designs has crafted two sturdy and stylish Green Oak porches.

Garden Room Using Oak

A remarkable, modern garden room has been skillfully constructed by Jack and Josh from JJ Carpentry

Family Built Outdoor Seating Area

An outdoor seating area created using Siberian Larch Fence Posts and Siberian Larch Half Lap Cladding.

Oak Balustrade for Highland Balcony

Air Dried Oak Boards (Joinery First Grade) used to create this beautifully hand crafted Oak balustrade replace for their stunning highland balcony.